American Telebrokers, Inc. strives to achieve environmental excellence by working with our employees, customers, partners and suppliers to operate the business in an environmentally responsible manner. We are committed to comply with environmental laws and regulations, and recognize that reducing the environmental impact of our products and operations is an important part of the value we deliver to our customers.  We are diligent in our efforts to meet the environmental commitments summarized below.

  • Comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations and operate our facility with all necessary environmental permits, approvals, and operational controls.
  • Promote relevant “Green” initiatives by way of our employees, strategic partners and suppliers.
  • Be guided by the principle of continuous improvement of environmental performance.
  • Train employees on our policy and instill environmental responsibility as a corporate value.
  • Strive to buy, sell and use environmentally friendly products.
  • Continuously review our Environmental “Green” Statement and ensure it remains appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of our activities, products, and services.

The goal of American Telebrokers, Inc. is to give decommissioned telecom equipment a second life.  We refurbish and re-sell over 20 major brands of telecom equipment and peripheral devices; such as computers, monitors, voicemails, headsets, paging, recording devices, call accounting systems, and more.  American Telebrokers, Inc. takes green technology recycling seriously.   Our waste minimization and recycling program diverts tens of thousands of pounds of electronic and communications equipment from landfills each year.  
Any equipment that is unsellable is given to a local recycling company who guarantees that none of the hazardous material ends up in a landfill – including those located overseas.  They do not send anything to developing nations for processing.
Contact us today to establish “A Partnership in Green”.